Tax optimization

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“Happy and enthusiastic to serve on the Canada Revenue Agency‘s Offshore Compliance Advisory Committee with the great experts Colin Campbell, Kimberley Brooks, Catherine …

Government officials, arms merchants and corporations have spirited away millions of dollars from destitute West African nations through offshore tax havens, an …

In These rich people who do not pay taxes, the tax expert BRIGITTE ALEPIN relates how some personalities as well as families …

The wealthiest Canadians would have many loopholes to avoid paying the taxes they owed. This is the thesis defended by Brigitte Alepin, …

Barbados offers, like all tax havens, a zero or insignificant tax rate, bank secrecy, confidentiality and lack of investment in the local …

A research from Agora Taxation concludes that the state coffers are deprived of at least $ 1 billion a year because of …

Tax optimization | Brigitte Alepin