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Would a renovation access plan be appropriate for Quebec homeowners? Our guest: Brigitte Alpin, tax specialist at Agora. The interview is preceded …

Canada must do more to curb tax evasion on Tuesday, two experts on the issue before a parliamentary finance committee. “At the …

A few years ago, the tax expert Brigitte Alepin pointed to “those rich who do not pay taxes”. Today, seven years later, …

For the past decade, Ottawa has offered significant tax breaks to companies to attract investors and encourage job creation. The issue could …

The tax expert Brigitte Alepin talks about the issues discussed in her book “The coming fiscal crisis”. Find his passage on the …

The recent global economic crisis may have been less devastating in Canada and Quebec than elsewhere, but its aftermath has not spared …

Reimpose tax power

October 8, 2018

Western governments are mostly over-indebted while they helplessly witness the erosion of their fiscal power that they even encouraged … How …

In the wake of Warren Buffet, there are many voices in Europe and North America calling for greater taxation of the rich. …

Money The financial markets were again mistreated Wednesday by concerns related to the debt crisis of several European countries. Italy has replaced …

Since you are interested in politics, here are some suggestions for reading this year on Quebec and Canadian politics – with one …

2011 | Brigitte Alepin